October 11th, 2006, 11:18 AM
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Re: Old Age, Senility, Bitterness
Cainehill said:
Ah, joy - just got my copy of Dom3, and have yet another source of bitterness about the Aging mechanism, and the manual which is supposedly worth five dollars.
Perhaps it was senility that led the manual to have no mention of Aging, Old Age, etc, in the index or table of contents? A major new mechanic in the game, and no bloody mention of it?!? There's been talk here on the forums about various things having an influence on aging - magic paths, growth scales, etc....
And yet, looking in those sections of the manual, there STILL isn't any god-forsaken mention of aging or the influences of Growth/Death scales or Nature/Death magic paths.
Before I was disgruntled, now I'd color myself a subtle shade of pissed.
(Not even to mention the school of design that led the Age stat to be displayed via ... Fatigue! It's even worse than putting Size "behind" HPs. Hmmm, I better check.... Whew! I thought maybe a new Sanity stat had been added onto
Move, or maybe Precision now displayed Upkeep, or Attack Skill displayed Moral Alignment. *mutter*)
As you may have guessed, it's mentioned lightly under the unit stats area of the manual. However, no significant explanation is garnered =\.