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Old October 11th, 2006, 02:37 PM
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Default Re: Ermor AE findings

Late-era Ermor running into late-era R'lyeh might be pretty ugly, especially underwater.

R'lyeh Dreamlands dominion has a variety of odd effects, including letting R'lyeh run around with a large number of free H1 priests, of whom quite a few will eventually go insane and prophetize themselves into H3 priests. *Lots* of prophets. And their astral mages can build the Solar Rays spear for any mundane commanders they field.

Then, AE depends on dominion, reanimation, and summons. The latter two require commanders, so any insanity from either the Dreamlands dominion or the use of Void Spectres (which are stealth +25...) can interfere with those.

And AE must bring units with minds to distract the illithids... 3 mounted Mound Kings leading 240 Longdead Horse is an ugly scene, until the illithids all blast the commanders because nobody else is a valid target for mindblasting. Bring extra ghoul-types, wight-types, or ghost-types; the first two are not amphibious, so underwater it's just the ghost-types.
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...
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