solops said:
How do you save games with different names? I.e. I want to save a game at every few turns so that I can re-start it from that point if disaster strikes.
opening up the dominions3/savedgames/*gamename* - folder isn't that hard to do, isn't it? And you should have a ZIP-program (or another packer) installed .. just mark the *nationname*.2h, *nationname*.trn and ftherlnd file and zip them up e.g. into "turn1.zip", and the next turn into "turn2.zip" etc.
That way, you can always decompress any turn you like... . Simply reload the game afterwards.
Why it is this way, one can only speculate. At first, I would guess, the devs don't like anyone cheating around their random events ... furthermore, as Dom3 runs on Mac, Windows and Linux, a OS-independant file selection screen would be needed, which is not that easy to do, unless you use certain libraries, which where AFAIK not used for Dom3 (or 2) anywhere else.
edit: additonal text .. sry, hit the wrong button...