Kristoffer O said:
Hmm, long post now. I'll only make a short answer. Arralen has given some input and I agree at least to a degree.
MR will not be upped. The demons of Yomi are not of infernal nature as much as evil and uncivilized spirits of the wild. They do come from hell, but are quite comfortable living in the mountaineous and volcanic regions of this world. Giving them more MR would not fit. Making them more resistant to banishment is not a good solution either. Excorcism is quite prevalent in the east. Perhaps more so than in western tradition. So increasing banishment resistance (wich by the way is not a vialble option game-mechanic-wise) does not fit my conceptions.
Raising Ghost MR on the other hand is not a bad idea.
It might be combined with another idea that was discussed in the beta: oni flee when turned into a ghost. This would decrease casualties.
I'm not opposed to sacred armed oni warriors, but I haven't any ideas formed atm. I would probably make them summonables.
I prefer lower costs to higher stats. There are rarely swarms of oni atm.
EDIT: hmm, so much for a short answer
Thanks for dropping by Kristoffer, and thanks for your comments.
I undesrtand your reasoning behind not wanting to raise MR for thematic reasons. I actually think it's great that you care much about flvor and cultural/historical background of the game.
So I'll drop this particular suggestion.
Regarding lowering cost and raising MR on ghosts form - that would work as well and I think would be quite good solution. I think the cost would have to be lowered quite a bit though, because currently demons are very not cost effective, as pretty much everybody on this board seem to agree. If they would be twice less expensive, with tier 2 Aka-Oni demons costing 15 gp instead of 30, than it probably it would go long way toward make them somewhat useful in MP, despite the remaining crutial weakness to Banishment. But perhaps you would think that it would be too much?
And what about rising hp of oni's ghost forms to be the same as their normal form instead of being at 50%? Currently ghost of powerful demon Kuro Oni has only 7 hp more as ghost of wimpy Ko-Oni. That doesn't feel right to me - ghosts of powerful demons should be quite more difficult to Excorcise than the lowest ones, don't you think?
Again thanks a lot for your reply and your considerations.