Re: Can I buy multiple serials? Developers/Shrapnel.
I was going to post a message saying that something like this might be worth a try, but then I considered something.
If your friends aren't willing to pay full price for this game, you might have a heck of a time trying to get them to play it with you on a regular basis. It's certainly worth the $55, and if they don't agree with you that it has that value, then they aren't going to be as excited about it anyway. Dominions is a good series, but don't forget it's a niche game. If your friends are really into strategy and they like trying new games, then a demonstration (hotseat or MP demo game) should be enough to prove its value. Anyone who claims to be an avid strategy gamer and then goes out and buys retail game "X" instead of Dominions ought to reconsider their claim. I say as a fan, of course. I have some friends I'd like to play it, and I think they would, but one is in college and the other recently got laid off and money is a problem for them. I'm hoping when things look better maybe one of them will be able to buy it.
=$= Big J Money =$=