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Old October 15th, 2006, 09:27 PM

alexti alexti is offline
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Default Re: horror mark on pretender

I think that ease of horror mark casting has some merits. If the pretender is bold enough to lead his troops in the battle he should be able to deal with horrors (at least pretender god scared of horrors doesn't seem thematic). But pretender following his battle plans when attacked by horror really hurts. He should be able to realize that his plans were for leading troops into the battle, not fighting horror one-on-one. I would like to see optional scripts, so one can be assigned for scheduled battle and another for duels (vs horrors, assasins etc). Unfortunately, it's probably difficult to implement. But even the ability to tell the pretender (or any commander) not to follow script in case of duels and use his judgement instead would be very nice.
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