Phoenix-D said:
Baron Munchausen said:
The patch will help quite a bit. The AI is not 'comatose' anymore in the latest patch. It'll never be real competition for an experienced human, of course. But at least it will be doing something after the patch.
What in the patch helped the AI? I didn't see anything in the notes.
Well, he never has put everything in the history file. I can't say what may have changed since I don't know the scripting language but I started a new game a couple days ago and the AI is much more active than I have ever seen it. The .CSF files are dated Oct 9th, so things in there have been changed very recently. There are actual
fleets moving around. They block warp points after my scouts come through. Until recently they were actually ahead of me in certain technologies. Since I play with 'see all scores' enabled I can see how fast the AI empires are growing, too. They are expanding at a better rate than I can remember seeing before.