Re: horror mark on pretender
Well, I seem to attract horror marks personally. I never actually -see- my fellas get horror marked, they just one day magically get one. This has happened to many of my pretenders over the years, and I've yet to see how it actually happens.
No one is getting close to them, they never go into battle without a pretty huge army to absorb spells and damage... I don't use any magic items that would get you horror marked... So I've no real knowledge of how my pretenders get the damn things in the first place. Unless there is some way of giving someone a horror mark from another province outside of battle (like seeking arrow, but with a horror mark). Beats me ;P Part of the reason I hate that damn thing so much.
Horror mark would be very powerful if it went away after you died from it, a near-guarantee that a pretender gets kacked is powerful, and I'm not sure why people seem to think otherwise. Any commander (I'm not sure what happens to regular units... I've never seen one of my regular units get munched by a horror before) that gets it is as good as dead -- certainly no non-pretender cmdr would make even to the end of the first turn against one, not against something like an Eater of the Gods or Hunter of Heroes. Now, a normal cmdr is out of the game once he is dead. But your pretender gets to be killed again and again and again. Its just lame. I'd be happy if I could at least mod it so horror mark goes away with death, for my own games at least.