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Old October 16th, 2006, 05:43 PM
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KissBlade KissBlade is offline
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Default Re: horror mark on pretender

Most SC's can be beaten anyway by a similar gem investment or just simply evocation mages. Horror Mark is just way too silly and effective for it's current price. And also, it'll usually target the SC ANYWAY when it's part of an army making it more effective to bring just the SC since at least then you won't have a chance of the army routing before the SC does some damage. The thought that a simple low level thaum s2 spell can make a pretender completely useless (since it's not really worth calling it back when it's just going to die anyway and you can cope with the dominion spread ... somehow) is ridiculous. Though I'm somewhat amused at the prospect of sending in chaff + s2 mages to attack random provinces with horror mark x5 retreat or ritual returned ones to kill off some 70 gem investment or pretender that the player spent 300 points + on.
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