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Old October 16th, 2006, 08:05 PM
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Default Re: horror mark on pretender

Hi fellas,

I'm definatly not using a magic item that horror marks you, I'm very careful to avoid that stuff. I think that someone has horror marked -me- though, which spreads to my damn pretenders ;P Its amazing the things that happen with random

That first horror, Eater of the Gods was the piddly girly horror compared to the Hunter of the Heroes. I don't recall how to just summon up the stats but he was -way- -way- more badass. I mean, my pretender and his guards got pWNT, and they -did- manage (more luck then anything) to kill the Eater of the Gods. This pleased me muchly ;P Until his bigger pal showed up a few turns later, argh. Someone who knows how should pull up the stats for that guy!
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