Re: Favorite nations so far?
Hard to far I've played Yomi Kings, Niefelheim, Abyssia, and R'lyeh-Time of the Aboleths. The Sons of Niefel soldiers are absolutely sick, while the Abyssians also have great soldiers, both winged and otherwise. Aboleths are just plain weird, but I haven't had that much luck in combat with them, unless combined with a heavy hitter, like the Great Kracken or the Great Sea Serpent. My favorite pretenders are the Great Kracken (Don Calamari), the Cyclops (it's fun to name your Cyclops Leila), The Destroyer of Worlds ('s The Destroyer of Worlds!) and the Void Dweller ( with mushrooms, achovies, and psychic abilities...). I guess my favorite nation would have to be Yomi Kings, because the demons are just so obnoxious. I can imagine them conquering the hoburgs just so they can have a hoberbeque. Muahahahahahaaa!
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!