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Old October 17th, 2006, 05:22 AM
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Default Re: Bug thread

GrobRIM said:
Nerfix said:
Sometimes move orders aren't followed.

Happened to move three times in a row once on the Silent Seas map as Late Ermor and once as Middle Tien. The ordered commanders just refused to move to a bodering province, even if the Move order clearly apperead for them.
I have experienced the same (irritating) problem several times, and I first thought I might have canceled my moves by accident. So I started to backup my moves before resolving turns, and I managed to isolate the two following cases, which the developers might analyse from attached zip file.

- 1st case, playing as Agartha, moving from Eal to Ferran Mountains (owned by Oceania), my armies didn't move;

- 2nd case, same game, moving from Phalicia to Cuna Eral (owned by Vanheim), again Agarthan armies didn't move.

In both cases, defending forces might have decided to attack my invading armies as well, and it might have been (incorrectly) decided by Dom3 that neither should move (instead of having a battle take place in one or the other province, or having both armies switch provinces).

In both cases, I had the end-of-turn re-computed by Dom3, using the same saved game file, but with possibly different orders decided by the AI for the opposing armies, and this time, my armies did actually move into the attacked province -- so it may take several tries with the attached saved games to experience the problem I have witnessed, depending on what the AI decides for the opposing armies (stay or attack).

Armies will never switch provinces. Manual in that case is wrong. You will never see it happen in game. Instead of switching provinces armies stay in their current ones and no fight takes place. That is better mechanic too because if armies really do change provinces you would constantly getting enemy armies getting behind your lines because you decided to move at the same time they did. THAT would be irritating.
The reason why that doesn't happen every time in your save game is because chances that either of 3 cases will happen are random.
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