Tyrian said:
Arralen said:
Resok said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Yomi - National Oni ghost forms are not immune to poison (they're ghosts right?). They show up as 'undead' but the latent resistances of their previous forms are not applied, and they're still vulnerable to poison (unlike almost every other undead/spirit/ghost in the game).
If this is not a bug, then I'm quite curious how/why a spirit or ghost could be poisoned if it doesn't have blood or a normal physical body?
Actually, they don't get poisoned, and they are 100% poison resistant.
But resistance is only checked (and calculated) when the poisoning hit occurs. The 'stored' per-turn-poison damage carries over to the 2nd form and isn't discarded.
This is a known bug, which applies not only to Onis but e.g. Machakan spiders as well, and most likely every other 2-form creature with poison resistant 2nd form.
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Hidden in Snow can be poisonned (and die by this)
I use Catoblepas with them and the toxic cloud kill some of my undead commander. The Hidden In Snow haven't second form.
Be careful not to mix up bugs here

.. the Oni definitly
stay poisoned, but do not get poisoned as far as I have seem from battling some tritons...
Either your commanders wheren't poison resistant, or they were subject to irresistable poison (IIRC there is something like that in the game, but poison cloud 5 shouldn't do that)... what may be a(nother) bug!
Btw., what is a "Hidden in Snow" commander?

I guess you mean the "Unfrozen Lord" from the spell of that name .. it is
listed in the manual as 100% poison resistant - what does the icon say in-game? Do you have a savegame where one can see them getting poisioned during combat? (Maybe you have a savegame at least from that game, so it is easier to recreate the situation. Ench-6 and 55 water gems isn't that fast to get in a test game, unless you do a specially modded test game)