Re: Patch Improvements
I agree....
- casualty reports on castle storming should be a must.
- Multiple Victory Conditions I strongly agree with
- AI doing bidding wars for Mercs
- greying out Items that you do not have the resources to make
- Castle Fort Status....maybe every turn....every other the messages at the start of each turn, list what provinces has a fortress being built, and how much longer until it is completed
- fleeing units SHOULD stay if you win
- I think any nation that does not have nation specific spells should be given spells for that nation. Not sure what nations other than Marverni that does not have them, but they need at least a couple
- maybe this one was listed in another form, but a mouse-over on the map screen when you place it over a commander to show what items, and what troops he is commanding.
- really, any UI improvement....anything that makes the game interface more any UI improvement listed, I agree with!!
Those are the ones that I saw that I STRONGLY want to see...but really...any and all I would agree on....
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