Re: Patch Improvements
Single screen magic laboratory: Like pretender creation, the items, global enchantments, gems and research could be combined onto one screen. Only the spell list need be seperate.
Better spell list: There's something to be done here, it just seems flabby. Two columns of spells, rather than just one, maybe? An option to view the path requirements numerically (i.e D4 rather than DDDD) would be nice; counting the icons for high level spells is a nuisance.
Better province info: The province info should contain the name of the nation that owns it. Yes, you can tell from the flag, but new players may not know which flag is which. And you should be able to view magic sites in enemy provinces as if you owned them yourself.
De-uglyfied provinces: The Dom2 province icons were nicer than the Dom3 ones. In particular, the single dominion candle of Dom2 was better, and the pile of gold representing money was FAR superior to the obnoxious gold infobox.
Better army icons: I liked the old crossed boxes army style - especially the way that commanderless armies were easily viewable as not having a cross. The new system hides this information. At a pinch, it would be nice if the army icon changed according to whether an army contained a commander, mage, priest, prophet or pretender.
Smarter independents: It would be good if indies were more unpredictable in their tactics, rather than always fighting the same way. Flanking, or anti-archer ranged attacks, for example.
Whole army positioning: Often, you will want to move your entire army forward or back, depending on the enemy you're fighting. This is a tedious task, which becomes more tedious the larger your army is. A way to move your whole army would be very nice.