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Old October 17th, 2006, 03:45 PM
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Default Re: Problem Saving Games

Campy said:
Kristoffer register me as a vote for a save game feature. Perhaps you could also have an ironman mode for those that don't want it and don't have the willpower to not use it if it is available. However, for newbie's and for trying different strategies at key points, it would make the game much more accessible. I vote for accessibility and fun over hardcore.

In the meantime, for those looking for something easier than doing it all manually, here is the batch file I use to keep three backup files:

copy "c:\games\dominions3\savebak\bak2\*.*" "c:\games\dominions3\savebak\bak3\"
copy "c:\games\dominions3\savebak\bak1\*.*" "c:\games\dominions3\savebak\bak2\"
copy "c:\games\dominions3\savedgames\Yomi\*.*" "c:\games\dominions3\savebak\bak1\"

I have this batch file in my Dom3 directory with a quicklink to it. I play in windows and then just have to click on the quicklink to backup to bak1 and simultaneously move the backup to bak2 and bak2 to bak3. Any of these three can be restored manually by copying the files back to your save file or by creating another batch program to do this for you. You of course will have to change the directory locations to where you have Dom3 saved and this will backup a game called Yomi. Each time I start a new game, I change that line to reflect the name of the new game. So to backup the tutorial, that line would have been:

copy "c:\games\dominions3\savedgames\Tutorial\*.*" "c:\games\dominions3\savebak\bak1\"

Hope some of you find this helpful. Would like to see better methods by others that may have spent more time on this than I did.
I guess I'm gonna have to put out the effort to do something like this. Manually saving every turn or two is a pain. I gave up trying to play without saving often when in 10 hours of play I progressed zero. I can not seem to get more than 5-10 turns without a major screw-up. Most common is not sending the army along with the mages (I swear I did, but after the third time, I guess not), forgetting to load units into commanders, forgetting to cast spells, etc. There is simply too blasted much going on to expect to get everything done correctly every turn. And yeah, I have now lost 5 out of 5 games, but I did not lose because of some silly UI mistake - i.e. the AI kicked my rear. Who wants to play if perfect UI management can determine success?

And even our ham-handed DOS bat files are still a pain. The lack of a renaming save-and-reload is a major drag on this otherwise enjoyable game.

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