Thread: On the cusp...
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Old October 17th, 2006, 08:41 PM

Archonsod Archonsod is offline
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Default Re: On the cusp...

kimmitt said:
1) Long times for map generation

To be honest, I can live with that. At least you only need to do it once at the start of the game.My only complaint regarding the map generation is the lack of options. Not that the maps it usually generates are bad, but it would be nice to be able to generate a land only map, or lower the ratio of mountains to plains and similar.

The same thing applies to the turn processing.

That's probably your system I think. I'm looking at less than a minute to process 10+ player games, and this isn't exactly a fast machine.

1) Pretender generation. This should all be one screen, simple as that.

Personal preference. I like the different screens. Besides, I'm not sure how you could fit all of the magic paths plus the dominion setup and the pretender choices onto one screen.

2) The map.

Again, your preference. I happen to like the map and the little arrow.

3) Menus in general

Haven't seen any problems there?

4) Various report options. Let me know how many x's I've killed or gotten killed.

Not something I would use, but it shouldn't be too hard to track. Would be interesting fluff for commanders and the like though - see just how many foes your hero has personally dispatched and the like.

Let me know how many people died in a siege or assault.

Agree there.

If a commander was killed in a battle, let me know which one.

I can see how this might be useful. Thing is, if it's a battle I didn't intend to view in which he was killed, I'm not likely to be expecting a commander to die, so I'll end up watching it anyway just to see how some pathetic independents or similar managed to take out one of my hero's.
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