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Old October 18th, 2006, 01:34 PM
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Default Re: Answering the Critics

What's the difference between 'depth' and 'complexity' of a game in their view anyway? Without knowing that, you cannot answer them!

I think Leif_-'s chess analogy is quite good. Expanding it: What about strategic tabletops, like those block games or warhammer? Most have no economics at all, except for a point-buy in the start...

I recall that I got bored with "Master of Magic" just because of all the city building. It's fun to do for your capital, but it gets boring for me because you repeat the same process over and over again for each new province...

Well, I guess some have more fun to build up things in peace, while others have more fun to tear things down and devastate entire worlds in the clashes of epic armies...

Remember: [i]You cannot please (nor convince) everyone...but you might conquer anybody. Ouch!
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