Re: Answering the Critics
Civ fans can start talking about wargaming accuracy when they either ditch the incredibly long (in specified time, not user time) turns or adapt complex ZOC and supply rules based on national capability, given the wide range of technology levels. If a square is a fixed area, something like a carrier wing should be able to exert tremendous destructive power over a wide area within a single turn, limited by supply constraints (fuel, AGMs, AAMs for air superiority, aircraft, pilots, et al) and air control (reflecting enemy interception capabilities, ground AA capabilities). Letting a bomber wing be airborne for a continuous year is absurd. Letting a hidden submarine group -block- air movement is even sillier.
And then there's the utility of combined arms, the need for supply, gradual and largely permanent degradation of units in combat...
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...