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Old October 19th, 2006, 06:13 AM
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Twan Twan is offline
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Default Re: High PD kinda useless.

The only problem I have with PD, is the initial capital defense Vs bad events. In dom 2 I don't remember having my capital taken by indies so often, even with a lot of misfortune. In dom 3 in about 15 games it happened 5 or 6 times during the 15 or so first turns, and each time my capital was attacked the PD was easily defeated, be it by knights, raiders or even barbarians.

Later in the game you can of course have a priest with troops perma patroling your capital, but so early it's really annoying. I think if the initial PD is not raised/made more efficient, the invasion event chances or number of units should be reduced before turn 20 or so (especially when you have not taken misfortune 3, in most cases I had just 1). Anyway perhaps I have just very bad luck myself.
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