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Old October 19th, 2006, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: Niefelheim Strategy for the Early Era

Yeah, eventually you have to rotate your armies’ home and bring fresh blood into the mix. Since my god is fixed in place, I’ve created an old guard corps for him consisting solely of old veteran troops that have accumulated many afflictions.

I’ve got 5 on guard and about 15 on hold and attack currently, but the corps is slowly growing. Eventually I’ll cast Faery Court and Gift of health to try and heal them but for now they serve Lord Slab in his personal guard.

My wounded Jarl’s are all heroic leaders (one has 337 personal kills) so they sit at home with Lord Slab and do research awaiting the healing spells.

Overall though I’ve only lost perhaps less than 10 giants and maybe 1 or 2 Jarl’s. I’ve taken well over 60 provinces now and have fought three major wars with huge (50+ provinces) opponents and held firm on all fronts.

Magic is becoming more potent now however, so I’m waiting to see if they can hold up in the end game or not.

Basically the 14 hit points a turn regen makes each little giant a mini SC.
We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels - We have driven them back.

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