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Old October 20th, 2006, 01:05 AM
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Fingers Fingers is offline
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Default Re: Some last questions? Thanks much

a. I mean the generic "holiday season", as in Christmas & New Year. I'm a Finnish citizen but live in the US.
b1. As you can see in the WW credits there's three of us plus Ed Zavada who's responsible for the Mac ports. I'm the only programmer (apart from Ed making changes to make the code run on Mac).
b2. Yes, it's a spare time thing although we're all from the "real" game industry.
b3. Male Finnish citizens are required to serve a term in the military before they turn 30 (which I will next year). One of the ways this is enforced is that you can't get a Finnish passport after the year you turn 28 unless you've performed your military service. I'd been putting it off ever since I moved to the US in 1998 but my time finally ran out at the end of 2005. In theory I could've stayed in the US, but then I wouldn't have been able to visit my relatives in Finland until 2010 when the statute of limitations on "desertion" would've expired.

Ace_Garp: We're going to try and release both Windows and Mac versions roughly at the same time. The upgrade doesn't have many platform specific changes, but as the Mac port can only be compiled (and tested!) once the Windows version is complete it probably won't be perfectly simultaneous.