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Old October 21st, 2006, 05:48 PM
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Etaoin Shrdlu Etaoin Shrdlu is offline
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Default Re: Bug or feature? (What\'s wrong with this image

I just had a thought regarding the Unequaled Obesity heroic ability. Under my proposal:
1. Undead beings cannot get this (see Archonsod's post three up.). Makes no thematic sense.
2. If a female character ends up with it, a fertility cult springs up in whatever province she goes through. Scales slapped to Growth 3 while there, dropping back to local at one scale/turn after she leaves. Local Dominion is reduced by the number of Growth scale tips (Ex. from Death 2 scale local Dom drops 5 points or to 0 if it was less than 5 to start with) recovering normally. (This mechanic may only make sense in Early Era.)
It's just a dogma-eat-dogma world...
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