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Old October 22nd, 2006, 04:01 AM
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Default Re: Beginner Questions

Research and paths are orthogonal.

Research is split along areas -- ex. Conjuration, Enchantment et al. Research dictates what magic incantations your nation 'knows'. Holy is special in that all prayers (holy spells, essentially) are automatically researched.

Paths, on the other hand, are per commander. Thus, each mage has level ratings in FAWESDNBH. To cast a spell, not only must your nation 'know' it, but the caster must (at the time of casting -- there are ways to temporarily increase magical power here) have sufficiently high prowess in one or two paths.

You don't increase magic paths by researching. You don't gain research by increasing magic paths. (Well... you do increase research speed for that commander.)
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