Gandalf Parker said:
Im tempted to close this thread (I started it, I should be able to end it for hijacking). As I said there are ENOUGH gripe threads and its giving the WRONG impression IMHO. At least offer some upbeats with the down stuff.
To play the devil's advocate, negative feedback is better than positive in the long run for the game since it gives patches and cb mods a good idea of what to fix. There are people who are very spoiled by dom II's cb mod as well as the patch. Obviously compared to those and certain other dom II features (tab researchers), dom III still falls a little short. That's good though, there was a lot of expectancy for dom III because the dom line is a very good strategy series. As a whole, I love playing the game but I don't see the need to be excessively fanboy about it since it'll be very fake.