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Old October 26th, 2006, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: New Heroic Abilities

Endoperez said:
Gandalf Parker said:
Logisitics Officer
movement is cut but so is the supplies cost of the army

Careful Commander
Combat rating is lowered but so is chances of afflictions or diseases

inceased chance of recovering items after a battle

Combat Mage
all magic paths increase by one during combat (like that shield)
Logistics officer: I'd suggest supply bonus 150, increases by 50, and increased leadership.

Careful commander: in addition to that, add Standard effect. Too weak. Something else should be added.

Scavenger - he's too easy to screw over. If he has items, he can't find more. If he doens't, your enemies will send in Daggers of the Damned etc.

Combat Mage: very powerful from the very beginning. It can't scale. It doesn't add encumberance as the Crystal Shield or fatique as casting Power of the Spheres. Perhaps it'd start with an encumberance penalty that slowly goes down?
Logistics Officer:
Good suggestions

Careful Commander:
I dont think they all have to be fantastic. It would useful for specific uses and a nice balance to so many great ones.

I would immeadiately remove his items and use him this way. As for screwed by enemies I guess that would be a possibility in MP games if they knew you had him. (in MP games)

Combat Mage:
I did think it was abit powerful. But better than just raising his magic. It makes him a combat mage, and therfore a target of your enemies. But he could use some scaling I agree.
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