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Old October 27th, 2006, 06:21 AM
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Default Re: Terrain effects-putting together the complete

Arralen said:
This is from Dom2 - but there's no reason to assume values have changed
You can see from this that terrain does not give preference to sites of a specific path (who came up with that, anyway?), but that the sites themselves are individually restricted to some terrains. From this could result a 'preference' of e.g. nature sites in woods, simply from the fact that most sites which can appear in forests may be nature sites. That does not mean, though, that there's any 'dice bonus' for nature sites in forests.

But that exactly what I was asking about. In your example the net result is that forest provinces are more likely to have forest sites than mountain ones.

I never meant that there is a dice bonus. I simply want to put together the list of all terrain types and the most likely magic site types that they can contain. Like forest for nature, waste for death, mountain for earth, etc.


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Kristoffer O posted 03 April, 2004 10:46

Not sure of the exact numbers.
(I'm not sure of the specifics. Waste might be 30, swamp and mountain 20. 'just a guess.)
I guess it works like this:

Magic: (site freq) + 30
Waste: (site freq) + 20
Swamp: (site freq) + 20
Mountain: (site freq) + 10
Forest: (site freq) + 10
Farm: (site freq) - 20

Only the most beneficial counts.

If site: Check what site. Random.
If site not possible: Reroll.
If site unique and already in the game: Reroll.
If site possible and rare: Reroll once.

Many nature sites are common but restricted to forests etc.

Unique sites are also rare or common. Inkpot end is unique and common. Crown of Darkness is rare.

No blood under water IIRC. Not sure about unholy.
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Thanks Arralan. But I saw that post earlier however, before I started this thread.

It explains mechanics nicely, but it doesn't give exact numbers. (or rather Kristoffer wrote some but said that he is not sure of exact values, and that the values that he wrote are just a guess)

And I really would like to know the exact values. To know, for example, which province should I search first - swamp or mountain. (I always thought mountain tend to have the most sites, but in Kris's list it has lower chance than waste/swamp)
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