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Old October 27th, 2006, 06:32 PM

FrankTrollman FrankTrollman is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance (Discussion)

Lord of War is economic for Marverni IMO. But it isn't that great on stats, magic etc etc.
If your Earth wants to be 6+, a Cyclops costs less points.

If your Fire wants to be 4+ (or 3 with a Dominion of 4+), a Forge Lord is cheaper.

If your Nature wants to be 2+ and you want a Dominion of 4+, a Lord of he Forest is cheaper.

All three of those titans have better stats than the Lord of War and some have better abilities as well. If you weren't interested in stats, then a Great Enchantress is chepaer for almost any set of magical picks and generate magical income.

I have no idea what Maverni could be doing that would involve a Lord of War being economical for anything. It's just a bad god.

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