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Old October 30th, 2006, 10:49 PM
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Default Re: Bug thread

RonD said:
GrobRIM said:
Agartha's Rhuax Pact can be cast underwater.

It doesn't look right for "magma and fire" creatures...
You can cast it, but the Magma Children do not survive. It is just a waste of gems.
There is a global spell allowing any units to enter water provinces. I'm not sure if this would allow the magma children to survive the casting spell. Slight chance that maybe this spell was intended for underwater use when the global spell is active??

thekossack said:
Stability Issues -
I don't know whether this has been raised, but I have had the program abruptly end and bounce me back to windows. Sometimes, I can relaunch the game and get through the turn, but about half the time I can never complete the turn - it simply shuts down.
If you have a game turn crash to windows 3 times in a row then make a copy and attach the saved game and map files to your next post. Then proceed with trying to continue processing the turn successfully. Simply saying it crashes during the turn won't help fix the issue for a patch.
Don't attach the saved game if you already successfully went through processing the next turn... only a saved game which has not made it thru processing the turn.
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