dirtywick said:
I guess that depends on how big your empire is. The bigger it is, the more provinces you have, the more events happen.
I've seen the "max of 3 events per turn" rule mentioned, but I also seem to remember, in my SP games, some turns with 4 events reported - none of which looked like they could have been caused by a ritual, though I could be wrong here. But it's still true that, with a largish empire, I tend to get exactly 3 events per turn, most of the time.
Still, I tend to be a fan of Luck over Misfortune, even though I do get the occasional bad events. With Luck 1, I get enough gem events, or additional gold events, or "free mage/assassin/item" events, or even permanent gold boost events, that it seems well worth the points. Now, this is SP, but still, SP vs good numbers of Impossible AIs...