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Old November 2nd, 2006, 03:55 AM
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Default Re: Newbie questions

Blitz games are over very quickly. If you might come to blows with an enemy on turn 5, and will before turn 10, you have to be ready for all kinds of surprises. Like E9, Dominion 9 Cyclops with prot 29 and Awe. You won't research Plague or Leprosy in that time. If a blitz goes for long, you might get them eventually, but that'd mean that you specialized in one path only, and you had better hope it covered all your nation's needs.

To deal with monsters of this kind, you need spells that cause considerable damage. Loss of hitpoints isn't usually enough to stop these super-combatants (SCs), so you should use spells that kill, disable or paralyze the target instead of just causing damage, unless the damage is extremely high. Spells with high precision and range (like Astral spells in Thaumaturgy) are better than spells with poor precision.

You must probably mass one spell a lot before it works.

Against some sacred elites, spells that cause direct damage might be more useful. Many sacred units have very good hp and/or very good magic resistance, though, so you would probably need more mages than you have.

Massing normal units probably won't work. They'll rout, for one thing. Watch out for troops with better morale (e.g. MA Ulm's Pikemen have morale 11 instead of 10, and Guardians have great morale). Massing undead might work, but your enemy will probably field priests then. Massing Vine Men might work, but they're a bit too weak for that. Vine Ogres are better but harder to mass in large enough numbers.

Plan for second castle quickly. If your enemy depends on troops he can only get from his capital, you have an easier time running over him with numbers. Try to build the second castle so that, if needed, you can build independent units your nation usually can't field in large enough numbers to matter. MA Ulm might want to have some arhchers, perhaps even Longbowmen if you manage to find a Farmlands province neighbouring enough resource-heavy provinces for a fort to be worth it there.
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