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Old November 2nd, 2006, 10:43 PM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default Re: Most narrow nations

I noted that Tien Chi has 3 or 4 pretenders that boost luck? All titans. And they have some decent magics. Possibly a bless strategy. They only have one blessable unit? But many blessable leaders and many of them mages.

If I remember Jade Emperor I got up to air 4, water 4, astral 9. That gives air shield 20%, Defense Skill +2, Magic Resistance +3, and Twist of Fate. Pretty good for a battle field full of mages. I only got 5 dominion but for purchasing mostly blessable leaders that isnt too much of a problem. Plus the luck bonuses, the research boost, the high astral. Someone should be able to make that a decent strategy shouldnt they?
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