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Old November 3rd, 2006, 05:25 AM
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Default Re: Bug thread

Few things:
Make bugs bold. That makes them easier to find.

cthulhu said:
in one case a randomly generated map had my home province NOT CONNECTED TO ANY OTHER PROVINCES. provinces not connected to any other are common in randomly generated maps

vaetti hags start old age at 50. vaette cheiftains start it at 100. vaette at 50.

vaetti hags don't require a lab to build
These are bugs, or at least features working in unintentional ways, AFAIK.

can scroll down using the plus key past the end (but only by one) of the units

hamas dryads still have flavor text that says they can't leave their home provinces... and still are perfectly capable of leaving their home province

vampire lords can't use water breathing items, but national troops can? I guess this is probably intentional, one of the many, many ways that vampire lords have been nerfed

independants have temples. happened in dom2 also, but seems much more common now
These are working as intended. Seeing that the unit view is empty after this line is GOOD. Otherwise, you won't see that you are already at the end.

Hama Dryads and similar units will lose hp when away from their home province.

Vampires can't go under water.

And finally, independent provinces can be targeted by random events.
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