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Old November 4th, 2006, 02:50 AM
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Default Re: Most narrow nations

I don't know. You can go for underwater conquest or focues on land. You can pick if you want to focus on Fire, Water or Death along with Earth. Death is obviously a good choice.

Do you want to focus heavily on Evocation and the callsic Bladewind and Magma spells, or perhaps toss in some Alteration, or perhaps Enchament or Conjuration. Conjuration is Good for Agartha, or rather Agartha gets very nice spells as a byproduct of Conj 3 which is needed for Earthpower.

Do you want to use Claymen or Living States or will you shoot for those high level Alteration spells?

Do you want to kit thugs out of Troglo Lords and Ancient Lords (who seem to get curiously low attack and high def when you give them items o_o) or do you just want to kit mages?

What sort of bless you want for Agartha, which of the weaknesses of the Agarthans you want to try to nullify with blesses or do you just want reinvigoration for those mages? Or perhaps regeneration. Dragons or Earth Mother, Cyclops or Titan, Olm or Monolith? Or maybe a snazzy Risen Oracle.

And so on. I don't think it's that restricted. Less rectricted than MA Ulm certainly.

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