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Old November 3rd, 2006, 07:46 PM

Resok Resok is offline
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Default Re: Bug thread

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Machaka national hero 'King Triumphant' starts out as old - 63 (50). In his unit description it mentions specifically that he was granted a 'rather long life as king'. This may be a design issue... but with the slim chance of landing a national hero, having him start out as elderly isn't exactly 'heroic'. This is compounded by the fact that he would have made a good thug if not for being at the end of his life (Awe 0, priest 3, standard 10).

Admittedly this may be by design and I suppose I could just make a mod to change this... however I seriously question if this was an intentional age set for a unique (only ever will get one of him) national hero.

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