Re: CLI for probing turn status
// ------------------------------------------
// ------------ Packet Description ----------
// ------------------------------------------
/* 1 char 102 (magic)
1 char 72 (magic)
1 int data length (x bytes)
x bytes packet data
All short and ints are sent in little endian (x86) format. Least significant byte first!
/* Keep alive byte
1 char 101 (magic)
Sometimes the server might send out this byte instead of a proper packet
to check if connections are still up. It should be silently ignored. */
// ------------------------------------------
// ----- important packets to server --------
// ------------------------------------------
/* Info request. Requests a status update from the server.
1 char 3
/* Disconnect. Send this and wait for reply before disconnecting.
1 char 11
// ------------------------------------------
// ----- important packets from server ------
// ------------------------------------------
/* Status update.
1 char 4
1 int network protocol version
1 char status (2=waiting)
1 str game name
1 char era (new in dom3)
1 char magic = 45 (new in dom3)
1 int ms left till host time
1 str message from host (unused)
P chars players controlled by (0=no one 1=human 2=AI)
P chars nationstatus
P chars connected or not
1 int turn nbr
1 char 0
/* Disconnect reply. Wait for this before disconnecting.
1 char 12
P = max number of nations = 80