Boron said:
Graeme said it is more MM to directly sitesearch, but imho directly sitesearching with a mage requires about the same effort as sitesearching with the remote 1 path search spells, maybe even less MM.
If you want to sitesearch with a mage, you have to move him to a province, then remember for the next turn that he should search that province. You have to plan out a route that leads him to each province without having to backtrack over a province he's already been to, and then you don't even get to find all of the sites in the province. If you use spells you press shift+M, cast the spell, then ignore that mage until he stops casting it. The second is a lot more fun than the first.
- Troops might become too useless by this change.
By the time you've spent several thousand gold researching level 9 spells, troops should be mostly useless compared to mages, or else there was no point in spending that gold to research. Dom2 had the right idea about magic balance. DOM3 goes a little to far towards the AOW2 example, where your magic doesn't matter much compared to yor troops.
Graeme said that a mage has to be able to kill more troops than his cost, but imho this is not really true. Mages have other uses too. If mages with some research kill easily troop armies, then troop armies have no niche.
The majority of mages have absolutely no use beyond killing troops and researching. You need a half dozen mages at most for all of your ritual and forging needs, several dozen for researching, and the rest should be on the battlefield making up for the gold cost that all those researchers are costing you by killing large numbers of troops.
But in general at least in early and midgame it seems more rewarding in Dom3 to try a combined arms approach than it was in Dom2 were spending gold on troops almost felt like a waste of money.
And why would that be a bad thing? You have to make troops useless at some point, or else all the game becomes is wack a mole with armies. The most boring Dom2 multiplayer games I've been involved in are those with very difficult research and low magic. You spent the entire game pushing an army around without ever being able to force your opponents army to stand still in a pitched battle.