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Old November 6th, 2006, 03:25 AM

Saxon Saxon is offline
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Default Re: What do I build to counter High def glamour units?

Wind guide will boost your archers accuracy, fire arrows seems more about damage. At the end of the day, I prefer Fire Arrows, but in this situation, Wind Guide may help more with glamour removal.

I also recommend Destruction or, if don’t have E3, Armor of Achilles. Bring down that protection rating, so when you do hit these guys, it hurts them more. I hate it when I finally get the glamour off most of the units and then my army breaks and runs. I found that removing the protection means that I at least get some kills in the close battles. Usually I wear down these armies in a couple of battles. Rust Mist is also an option.

Also, may I suggest looking for good independent heavy infantry? I found them a nice way to beef up the armies facing Helheim, as they can stand and fight longer, giving the spells and arrows longer to work. Also, they are often available closer to the front than my nation troops. They are not going to win you a war, but they can give you an edge in close battles.
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