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Old November 6th, 2006, 08:53 PM
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Default Re: SE5 Patch 1.13 Out

the complete patch notes:

Version 1.13:
1. Fixed - Sometimes the TCP/IP Host would not send the first turn game file to the players.
2. Fixed - Planet structure points were too high.
3. Fixed - "Propulsion Experts" racial trait was giving movement to bases.
4. Fixed - Some designs would lose racial trait effects on load of game.
5. Fixed - Text was overruning the side of the Set Construction Queue lists.
6. Fixed - A ship constructing a vehicle cannot retreat from combat.
7. Added - Whether a vehicle can retreat from combat to the Combat Piece Report.
8. Fixed - Repulser beams will not knock a ship past the retreat border.
9. Fixed - A ship cannot retreat into a blocked sector (such as a star).
10. Fixed - If all retreat locations are blocked, no retreat is possible.
11. Fixed - In the Construction Queues window, the On Hold and Repeat filters were switched.
12. Fixed - "Upgrade Facilities" action on the Construction Queues window would not work correctly
if upgrades were already present in the queue.
13. Changed - Some weapon balancing.
14. Fixed - More than one Emergency Resupply or Emergency Reordnance pod could be put on a ship.
15. Fixed - AI was sending multiple colonizers to the same planet.
16. Fixed - AI was trying to retrofit ships that had cargo.
17. Fixed - Sometimes ships which could drop troops or capture ships would just sit still.
18. Fixed - Crew were too strong in defense of a ship during ship capture.
19. Added - "Space Combat Crew Boarding Strength" in Settings.txt which sets the base race combat strength.
20. Fixed - Sometimes finding ruins would cause a crash.

Version 1.12:
1. Fixed - Some components were not showing up for weapon platforms.
2. Fixed - In the Alliance Chambers window, the Alliance Relations option would cause an error.
3. Fixed - Alliance votes were not completing.
4. Fixed - Game was not removing old Alliance log entries.
5. Fixed - Alliance messages had two headers on them.
6. Fixed - Alliance proposals wouldn't complete if no majority and all players had voted.
7. Fixed - Game was not removing old Alliance proposals.
8. Fixed - Empires added to an Alliance were remaining as individuals on Empire and Alliance windows.
9. Fixed - AI's were not voting in alliances.
10. Fixed - Planet's were keeping 1M population of all populations on the planet.
11. Fixed - Floating point error when try to move population in the Transfer Cargo window.
12. Fixed - You can't move ships in the Sector View if enemy ships are present.
13. Fixed - In Simultaneous games, combat should happen (in sectors with enemies) once per sector per
turn even if no ships move (unless combat already occured in the sector).
14. Fixed - Space combat now allows you to retreat if you move your ship past the circle border (and
it has strategic movement points left). Retreat costs 1 strategic movement point.
15. Fixed - Space combat no longer ends when the distance between enemies remains the same or increases.
16. Fixed - The combat border is now displayed on the overview map.

Version 1.11:
1. Fixed - Using the setting "Warp Points located anywhere in the system", warp points would sometimes
overlap stars or the center of a black hole.
2. Fixed - Ruins on planets were disappearing after the first turn.
3. Fixed - Sometimes ground combat would occur on a ship (the AI was loading enemy troops on his ships).
4. Fixed - Sometimes an error would occur if a fleet with no task forces engaged in combat.
5. Fixed - Fleets could exist with ships but no task forces.
6. Fixed - Intelligence spending should be cleared against an empire with which you've lost contact.
7. Fixed - "Can Be Placed On Vehicle Types" in Components.txt was not matching items correctly.
8. Fixed - "Component Type List" in Components.txt was not matching items correctly.
9. Fixed - Combat replay would create real unit groups from the combat.
10. Fixed - Units in ground combat were losing weapons even if the weapon was undamaged.
11. Fixed - Units were retaining maximum movement even if their engines were damaged.
12. Fixed - In Space or Ground Combat, the selection list would not change if the same number of items were selected.
13. Fixed - Units were showing 100% damaged in combat reports at the start of combat.
14. Fixed - In a Simultaneous Game, the sector view ship placements were not being maintained to the next turn.
15. Fixed - Sometimes the Movement Replay would cause an Access Violation.
16. Fixed - In a Simultaneous Game, name changes for vehicles were not being maintained on the next turn.
17. Fixed - Loading an empire from a file in Game Setup would lose all of its technology.
18. Fixed - Game Setup was incorrectly preventing some loaded empires because of technology.

Version 1.10:
1. Fixed - After using the Fleet Transfer window from the Space Simulator, all controls would be unresponsive.
2. Fixed - When selecting Set Fleets in the Space Simulator window, you are setting fleets for the
currently selected empire in the button panel. Only vehicles and fleets owned by that empire will
be displayed in the Fleet Transfer window.
3. Fixed - Simulated Empires were not getting their strategies from the current player.
4. Fixed - You shouldn't be able to press buttons while a Generate Map is in progress.
5. Fixed - The Launch/Recover Units window would sometimes crash when recovering a unit.
6. Fixed - Sometimes units in cargo would show damage with huge values.
7. Fixed - Sometimes when a planet rebelled and formed a new empire, an error occurred.
8. Fixed - A rebelling planet should start with the technology of its parent empire.
9. Fixed - A ship or unit is destroyed if all non-armor components are destroyed.
10. Fixed - You would get a black screen after the "Processing after all player turns..." was complete and
the autosave was taking place.
11. Fixed - Satellites, mines, and drones were taking part in Ground Combat.
12. Fixed - AI was not laying mines and dropping satellites on warp points.
13. Fixed - AI was not designating enough "Mining" colonies.
14. Fixed - AI was not surveying unexplored systems properly.
15. Fixed - AI was proposing treaties to human players in Team Mode.
16. Fixed - AI's on the same team were not forming the best treaties possible.

Version 1.09:
1. Fixed - Possibly fixed error international users were having when trying to load data files.
2. Fixed - Recovering a unit in the Launch/Recover window would sometimes cause an Access Violation.
3. Changed - Drones can now be recovered on ships. Drone Launcher component will allow you to recover drones.
4. Fixed - Recovering a unit in the Launch/Recover window would sometimes leave a blank line.
5. Fixed - A Fleet would sometimes lose ordnance for no apparent reason.
6. Fixed - Some player created empires under computer control were not speaking.
7. Fixed - The Fleet Report - Task Forces tab would misposition the text if scrolled.
8. Fixed - The Select Package window would sometimes not let you hit OK.
9. Fixed - The Planet Report - Races tab would sometimes show population amounts wrong for more than one race.
10. Fixed - When colonizing, if you have population in cargo, then the crew of your ship will not become
1M population on the planet.
11. Fixed - Shard Cannon was not increasing damage with level.
12. Fixed - Sometimes ground combat would occur on a ship.
13. Fixed - Buffer Error at the end of combat.
14. Fixed - The combat progress bar would reset after 60 seconds.
15. Fixed - Organic and Crystalline Dreadnoughts cost too much per level.
16. Fixed - Large combats would sometimes cause the game to lockup.

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