Thread: The Eyes of God
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Old November 6th, 2006, 09:35 PM
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Default The Eyes of God

So, one of my mortal enemies raises the global enchantment "The Eyes of God" and I answer the only way I can--I poke his eyes out with white hot embers, destroy the spell, and blind him permanently (Oedipus' Fate). Then I make jokes about him with all the other gods: "Look at that? Did you see that? Oh, I forgot, you're blind because I poked your eyes out with white hot embers!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

I see him at the annual tournament in the arena a few months later, and he is still blind--kicks butt, wins the tournament, but whatever.

So, imagine my surprise when, right after the tournament--wherein I had verified he was blind as a bat--he once again raises the global enchantment "The Eyes of God." So, two things come to mind now:

1. He's really asking for it this time.
2. Technically, should he be able to do this? I mean, really, come on.

Has it happened to anybody else?
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death
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