Thread: The Eyes of God
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Old November 6th, 2006, 09:49 PM
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Default Re: The Eyes of God

Uh-Nu-Buh said:
So, imagine my surprise when, right after the tournament--wherein I had verified he was blind as a bat--he once again raises the global enchantment "The Eyes of God." So, two things come to mind now:

1. He's really asking for it this time.
2. Technically, should he be able to do this? I mean, really, come on.

1) Well casting the Oedipus fate to dispell the global won't do any more damage to him... might be wiser to just cast dispell.

2) Technically, yes he could cast the spell again. Realistically you'd think it's not possible, but technically yes it is possible.

Uh-Nu-Buh said:

Has it happened to anybody else?
I'm assuming you're playing against computer opponents since you saw the caster in the arena. The computer opponents are known to frequently cast this spell, unfortunately "the eyes of god" is one of the least valuable spells for computer opponents.
This spell only helps the computer opponents against utterdark(rarely seen in SP games) and increases their chances at catching sneaking commanders. The AI is unable to use its real purpose unlike human opponents.

Honestly this spell should be disabled for AI computer opponents thus their gems are spent more wisely. The longer a game lasts the more gems the AI opponents should spend into global spells too... yet it does not, but that's another topic.
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