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Old November 7th, 2006, 01:40 AM
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Default Re: SE5 Patch 1.13 Out

Q said:
In the combat simulator the boarding crew of empire A enters the enemy ship of empire B (a small flag indicates the presence of the marines on that ship), but the boarded ship still acts under the control of the original empire B and fires on ships of empire A. So boarding is still broken IMO.
Hmmm, maybe there is a time delay before they take over/disable the ship? A complete loss of control wouldn't be instantaneous.

Other things that are still broken:
-The "mixed up" warp points bug, where ordering a ship through Warp Point X will actually send it to System Y instead.

-Emissive Armor doesn't work. This only bugs me because the mod I'm working on relies on emissive armor and it's current nerfed state is making balancing ground combat futile.
Hail Caesar!

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