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Old November 7th, 2006, 09:04 AM
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Default Re: Hotfix or not? Developer comment would be good

Zen said:
It affects all eras, however, the Luck scale does have some protection against it. For example I've only had it happen once in Luck2, and never in Luck3, no matter how many turns I run.

Tried several games with luck +2 or +3, and got attacked at least once or twice each game after a few years.
If luck indeed reduce the chance of attack, I don't want to know how it would be with misfortune ! ^_^


Also I think it grows in chances the more kills/advancement into the HoF you do.

Misfortune 2 or 3 you will get hit by it, some games very often.

HoF ranking might indeed increase the chance of attack, but even then, it should be something very rare, that happens once in 10 games or less, not several times each game.

I like the concept of a horror hunting famous heroes, but playwise, this should not happen so much (currently it seems worse to be in the HoF that to be horror marked), and should not happen to pretenders
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