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Old November 7th, 2006, 01:00 PM
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Default Re: What if Trampling units used their weapons...

TomD said:
I think that the problem is not about units with the trampling ability (who could always be tweaked a little to balance up if necessary) but for heroes who gain it through an item. If Boots of the Behemoth gave you trample without affecting any of your existing attacks they'd be a real no-brainer. At the moment it's often a tough choice depending on the opponents you face.

Maybe there should be a penalty to attack skill to represent tripping over all those little bodies...
Not really a no-brainer, good, yes, but few things are no-brainers. Diving into a mass of enemies can present some nasty drawbacks, and there are other nice boots such as Brimstone Boots, Boots of Quickness etc etc.

Still, attack penalty would be a good idea incase Tramplers could use their weapons.

"Boobs are OK. Just not for Nerfix [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Smile.gif[/img] ."
- Kristoffer O.
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