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Old November 7th, 2006, 04:59 PM

curtadams curtadams is offline
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Default Re: What do I build to counter High def glamour un

Graeme Dice said:
Chariots were actually the only thing I was able to get to sort of work against F9W9 helhirdings as C'Tis, but I wasn't able able to quite figure out the right balance of chariots to turn off glamour and elite warriors to actually kill them.
This shows how extreme the problem is. Even if you can knock off the glamour it's very hard to nail those high-defense units. Plus decent protection and, sometimes, beserking. Urk. Basically, Vanheim cavalry and heavy infantry are pretty gruesome units. It wasn't so noticeable in Dom2 because magic and SCs were much more important and differences in national units quickly became irrelevant. But buffing up the importance of the national units has worked and those strong units really make a difference now.
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