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Old November 8th, 2006, 05:59 PM
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Default Re: Thug/SC/Assasin builds thread

I'm testing out something in my current game, more along the lines of gang thugs, and wanted to see what some more experienced players think of the setup:

I came across some independant Lizard Shamen (1S1N), recruited a group of 8 and I equipped each with Thistle Mace, Rune Smasher, Starshine Skullcap, Rainbow Armor, Boots of the Messenger, and Moonvine Bracelet, making them 2S3N. I script each of them to cast Communion Slave, Communion Master, and then one of each casts a buff to be spread across the communion (Power of the Spheres, Twist Fate, Eagle Eyes, Personal Luck, Elemental Fortitude, Resist Magic, Personal Regeneration, Astral Shield). I also bring along a priest with a Banner of the Northern Star (scripted to bless), so after the buffs and everything, I should have 8x 4S4N Shamen, each with +7 Reinvig in communion, which should bring their magic skills up to 7S7N for spellcasting and fatigue purposes. Then, depending on the situation, I script the last two spell slots to either Soul Slay or Charm.

So, other than the expense in gems to make all the equipment (75 gems for each! Less since I used Dwarven Hammers and have Forge of the Ancients active), is there anything I'm missing that is horribly wrong with this setup? For the Charm setup, I figure keep the Shamen up front with some body guards and a bunch of chaff troops set to Attack Closest, and for Soul Slay keep them behind a decent army.
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