FrankTrollman said:
Most importantly though, if a comunion master casts a spell, each comunion slave takes fatigue equal to their encumberance. So outfits like Rainbow Armor actually bone you if you are a comunion slave.
Rainbow Armor is Enc. 1, +3 Reinvig. The messenger boots would also help with the fatigue. Communion would reduce the extra casting fatigue because of path skill boost. I haven't tried it out yet, but I would think that the +1 casting encumberance would be more than offset by reinvig and reduced casting fatigue. I would think that it would result in less fatigue than there would have been with each casting the spells individually.
Besides, I decided to equip with Rainbow Armor more for the +MR, and if I cast Elemental Fortitude (since Zen tells me now that Eagle Eyes isn't going to really help), then I should have decent coverage in fire/cold/shock/poison/magic resistances. This could be augmented by other mages in the army casting battlefield resistances.