Presented here is a new Late Ages nation for your game-time enjoyment:
Unknown to mortals, undying sanguivorous creatures of terrifying power - vampires - have long contested one another for rulership of their elite, enigmatic society on the fringes of human lands.
When the Malediction befell the nation of Ulm, the vampires who lived secretly on that kingdom's periphery seized the opportunity to unite and forge a new dominion. The Bloodletters, a cabal of wizened, shriveled vampire-mages, speak of a new god who will lay the world of mortals bare for domination by vampiric overlords. Under their guidance and the power of their ritual blood-spilling, the Counts of the Sanguine clan have united the vampire clans, revealed themselves to mortals, enthralled entire villages to their service, and created a new kingdom. To strengthen their realm even more, the Bloodletters have contacted the Heliophagii who advise and aid the vampiric masters of Sanguinia in sating their thirst for the blood of the world.
This nation is an addition to the normal Late Ages nations (nation number 71) and will not replace any of the original nations. This mod is quite a bit different from the nation mods I've done for Dom 2 and from Teutanion, my first Dom 3 nation mod. All of the commanders are immortal vampires statistically modeled after the "native" vampires already in the game. It's a little odd and probably imbalanced in some areas. I've had both stunning success and crushing failure in play-testing and am still playing around with it. I wanted to release it now so others can get there hands on it. With your help and comments hopefully I can put the polish on it! Load it up, check out the readme file, and give the vamps a try. Please let me know your impressions and concerns so I can make this mod even better!
v1.0: 39 downloads
-#nopreach flag removed, your vampires can now preach as well as sacrifice to spread their dominion
-Bloodletter Holy magic ability increased to 2
-Reeves, Counts, Original Vampire, and Patriarch given ambidexterity
-Death Dealer stealthiness decreased to +0
-Stalker stealthiness increased to +20 in vampire form