Re: Various Newbie Gameplay Questions
1. 24mr is quite high. Are you sure it was 24? Thats really, really high. But, as with the Protection stat, nothing makes you invinicible to an attack. You were probably just unlucky. When facing astral/mind attacks it is best to bring along lots of non-mindless chaff units to prevent your key units from being killed.
2. Magic Duel must be scripted and there must be an enemy astral mage to cast it at. It resolves instantly and one of the two mages will die (or very rarely both).
3. Tricky point. Ethereal is the best, but in order to cast ethereal, you must have Astral magic, which in turn makes you vulnerable to mind duels. This is generally considered Really Bad, as your pimped-out SC could be killed by a lucky 100gp astral mage. So, if you take that into account Mistform is probably best.
4. Not sure. Could just be defense. Easy to test it out tho just put it on a commander and send him into combat. If he has mirror images then you know.
5. Lance attacks are the only attacks that are first-hit only. All other attacks happen every round of combat.