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Old November 15th, 2006, 09:12 AM
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Default Re: What about interactive Tactical Combat ?

If the combat is to be changed (my impression being IW doesn't want) I would prefer to be able to set the duration of the tactical/preparation phase (number of scripted orders for commander before the AI takes control, number of rounds before troops attack) over interactive combat. This option as a setting would probably be easier to implement, and will have an use for pbem as well as for solo games.
A probably harder to implement but other very interesting idea would be 2 list of orders for each commander/group and the possibility to determine the conditions of activation of the second script, according to the ennemy forces composition (consign will be like "if they are more than ... troops of type y", ie "activate script 2 if there are more than 50 missile troops in the ennemy army").

I often find the dominions combat a little too much out of control (especially as the tactical AI Ftaghn a lot) but I wouldn't like a total control either.
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